Saturday, August 20, 2011

Question Mark

Posted by Cassey at 3:23 PM
i came across a few articles through the website, and began to question myself.

i'm turning 21 soon.

how much i have learnt throughout these 21 years? how much achievements in life i have ever had until today? how many improvements i have ever completed successfully?

i always had the intention to do something, but without courage. even i was motivated by important people around me, yet my attitude was the main obstacle.

i'm emotionally-driven. i realized i have been wasting most of my time, by doing and thinking plenty of unnecessary things. i always made assumptions based on my imaginations, even though the reality wasn't being that way. whenever problems occurred, i took too much time to stay at same point and figure it out. i think i should put more efforts and concentrations on certain things in a more balancing state.

what is the meaning of life?

what have i done so far?

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