
◕‿◕ ChinChin ◕‿◕
[ KC . Cassey ]

Hi, my name is Kai Chin or you can address me as Cassey. I'm a Libra female turning 23 on the 26th September of 2013. I was born and raised up in Pahang, Malaysia. At the time being, I just completed tertiary education in Perth, Australia and still looking for a direction in life. 

I'm an Internet addict, as you know I would spend up to average 8 hours per day just sitting in front of the laptop to explore things I like. I travel a lot and I've been to 16 different countries after living for 23 years. Not to say being unrealistic, but I really live in a mission of exploring the world as long as I still can afford physically and financially. I enjoy seeing nature breathtaking sceneries, colourful skies and fascinating city views. Nevertheless, I look into history, culture and people of a place to enhance my knowledge.

I'm obsessed with all types of delicious food, also easily attracted to cute and girlish stuffs as well as awesome artworks. I couldn't resist beautiful flowers too. I fully utilize gadgets with camera at anywhere and anytime not only because I'm passionate with photographs, but I also think that every important moment should be captured down. I love shopping like what other females do. I listen to music that describes my feelings often. I wouldn't say I'm a fashion-lover, yet I'm interested with different kinds of trendy outfits, particularly vintage style.  

I do crazy things with close people around me. Stranger's perception towards me always changed after getting to know me in person, as I always give them a big shock. I used to be seen as a quiet and gentle person, but apparently I could be real active and talkative with people I'm familiar with. Nothing can be compared with my family, and I'm blessed to have them for supporting me throughout the life. When I am in love, I will commit into my relationship thoroughly because everything happens for a reason, I treasure what I have with me from time to time.    

All the while I'm encouraging myself that I could stop being lazy, think less and do more, find ways to boost my confidence to a higher level, become better looking and smarter, discover more things in life and figure out characteristics about myself that need to be improved on.

I'm pretty sure that you can find out more about me by reading this blog. Thanks heaps! ◕‿◕  


Updated on 6th March 2013

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