Thursday, January 8, 2009


Posted by Cassey at 8:48 PM
"Yesterday was a history;
tomorrow will be a mystery;
today is a gift."
That's why, appreciate what you are having at the moment.^_^
For me, everyday is different.
That's what we call, "LIFE".
We won't repeat the same thing, same situation at the same time.
Every moment is special.
No matter how our life is, we should love it.
Because it's a PRECIOUS GIFT for us.>o<
Why do you blog?
Why do I blog?
I started to blog since year 2007.
During 2008, I was influenced by my previous coursemates,
and totally involved in the world of blogging.
I love to read your blog,
I hope you like mine too.^@^
I'm not an excellent blogger,
but for me, blog is a space for me to write.
I can write anything I like, I want.
I jot down what has happened in a day.
I tell everyone what I feel about.
I let the readers to know me better.
I share photos about my life.
I want to improve my writing skills.
For me,
I really need blog in my life.^o^
And I know, there are many more who have the same interest with me right?
However, there are a lot of consequences after blogging.
We need to face it?
Because this is THE RULES OF BLOGGING.
Anyway, I would like to mention about this.
There is something really makes me unhappy with that.
Please don't ever over QUESTION me about what I have written in blog.
Please don't ever MENTION about the things which may hurt people from my blog.
For certain people, if you think you are!
Not only towards mine, but also to other bloggers.
I guess so, am I right?
I'm just telling out the dissastifaction of some bloggers.
Dear readers, please respect the others.
I have changed another way of blogging.
From today onwards, I will type in different way.
I want to improve my English language.^o^

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