Woaaa.. *yawning* ^O^ I feel like sleeping, freaking tired now. Hmmm. After finished classes just now, hanged around at lunch place with my group of girls before my aunt came to fetch me. I had a cup of iced milo, which was so sweet. =.= ~On that time, I was kinda hungry but I didn't want to eat first. Wanna save money so back home only take.~ I'm kinda emo at the moment, keep repeat listening to the song. Haha.. *silent* ~Inside story, you know what if you know me. Emmm.~ Seriously, gonna miss the person very much. Half of a year isn't a short period for me.
'Big Love' TV pilot episode review was submitted, left two more to go, which are movie review and food documentary. Then comes the FINAL EXAM, from 8th July to 10th July. After that, I have completed my foundation. Entering degree on end of July or early of August if continuing degree in Taylor's College. ~Well, most probably I stay here ok.~ It means that, next Monday might be the last class for FICM July 08 due to the week of study leave. ~Oh my god, I got some feeling which is hard to be explained. So unbelievable. @_@~ June is coming to the end. July is just around the corner. Hey, time passed so fast! Haiyo! "=.= Life seems to be so happening recently. *thinking*
Let's flashback to what had happened yesterday. ~Oh well, actually I haven't completed my assignment on that time. But did until half already. ^_^~ As we have planned, after finishing classes on 3pm, three of us met up and headed to Sunway Pyramid Redbox for a singing karaoke session. ~That's why I stay at home today.~ Three of us including me, Qer Xin and Lian Jyh. *grins* "Thanks to both of you, I had a fun day with you all. I really enjoyed." It was very first I was so enjoyed in singing karaoke, as I was able to select those songs I love, and most of them. ~Since there were not many people, each of us has a mic and no one grabbed with us.~ We sang from 3.30pm until 7.30pm continuosly. *excited* Know what? I enjoyed singing and listening the songs. ^@^
After that, we went to Restaurant Wongkok for our dinner. ~Hey, I didn't know you didn't take lunch that time.~ Here are some random shoots for the food.
Finally we have photos together! ^_^
Several more photos that I have taken but no need to post up la, keke.. Guess what? I really have no idea why there's someone looks so similar to my brother! Oh my god! ~Not only I feel so, but also others. Aren't they?~
Emm, anyway, it was fun and memorable yesterday! Once again, THANKS TO BOTH OF YOU. ~Inside story, each of you know why. Hoho! Shhh!~ Wondering when we are going to meet again? Haha!
My mood changed, after today. T.T
In addition, I feel like wanna go to see Akon on coming 2nd July. ANYONE INTERTESTED? Hmmm. ~.~
**ChiNcHiN is listening to 'Huai Ren' by 'Fang Jiong Bing'.**