I'm NOT joining the trip to LANGKAWI and PENANG island anymore, due to certain reasons. I feel so sorry for FFK again and again. Sorry for bringing troubles to you guys before this and we still can't make it at the last minute. @_@ *speechless*
Anyway, I hope next time our plan will be successful. It's like what Vonn told me, "Planned plans always can't work out, so for us last minute plan would be the best." ~.~
QQ, no worries alright?! Everything will be fine. ^_^ *hugs*
That's all for what I want to voice out at the moment.
Last but not least, it's 22nd of November today. Someone's birthday who is currently studying at Moscow, Russia.
Stay pretty, happy and healthy always..
Take care and miss you. ^@^ *hugs*
My holiday's plan is going to start working on tomorrow. *holiday's mood*
Yours truly,
◕‿◕ ChinChin ◕‿◕