Thursday, November 26, 2009

To A Friend

Posted by Cassey at 8:26 PM
First of all, I would like to apologize to YOU for blogging about these and uploading these photos without your permission. Well, I really don't know how can I get permission from you at the moment.. @_@ Please forgive me if I may write something that make you feel uncomfortable, in this post.

And I'm wondering whether you're going to read this, or you don't.

SEAH.. Where are you now? How are you now? What are you doing now? =_=

I never blogged about this before, but just now when I looked back my old photos. I thought of you again.

Seah has been one of my best friends since I was in high school. It is hardly for me to forget the sweet moments we have spent together. I love you, my friend. ^_^ *hugs* After Form 5 graduation, we used to hang out together, contact with each other frequently. I simply enjoyed my life in hometown, because of these few girls. I miss the moments. But it has become the past. T.T We're not longer hanging out like what we did on that time anymore today.

Things have come to a change during the early of this year, right before Chinese New Year. The last time I met you, was right in front of your house. Asked you to join us for visiting houses, but you rejected me. And I didn't know it was so hard to meet you again after that. ~_~ The last message you sent to me in MSN, I wasn't know it could be that serious. And I didn't know it was so hard to hear from you again after that. "=.= *speechless* What is going on exactly?!

I can't get to contact you, by using any of the ways. WHY?! No any of us able to contact up with you.. That's so weird! As your friend, this has made us so worried about you! @o@ Do you know about this?

Seems like many people have given up to contact you, but I don't want. Therefore, I still try to contact you..

And something miracle had happened few minutes ago.. SHE HAS GIVEN ME RESPONSE! SHE SMS TO ME! Ahhh! OMG! *shouting happily* That's totally a MIRACLEEE!

Seah, I have been missing you throughout these days.. ~o~

You seems like going to fade from my memory.. But I don't want. =_=

There's nothing can't be solved in this world, if you really face problems. I'm here to help you..

Dear friend, I MISS YOU. ~.~

You know what, friends have been playing an important role in my life. I care about most of the friends, as long as they don't betray me. I appreciate every of them, somemore that's YOU. ^@^

Yours truly,
◕‿◕ ChinChin ◕‿◕

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