Monday, August 3, 2009


Posted by Cassey at 10:04 PM
Testing.. Testing.. Testing.. ^_^ *grins*
Hello, call me CASSEY, CHIN CHIN, KCHINHO, KC or KAI CHIN. ~Or like what you used to call me.~
Finally I have changed the layout of my blog. Hmmm. I wanted to change it long ago but couldn't make it at last, due to some errors like what XML elements regarding to HTML code bla bla blaaa.. "=.= ~I have no idea about it at all.~ At the end, I changed the layout to simple white, mix with my favourite colour and font of words. I guess it is much better than the layout before this which was very pink. @_@ ~I don't really love pink that much actually.~
By the way, I will make some changes on my style of blogging. I will edit my photos first before I post it here due to COPYRIGHTED ISSUE! *giggling* ~Someone you know what I mean! Hmphh!~
New life has just started a week ago, everything will go differently from now onwards. I really need sometime to adapt with current life. I'm looking forward to the future.
At least I know what I want now, and I'm on the way which I KNOW I'M RIGHT. I don't wanna get lost anymore. I don't feel regret with what I have chosen to go on. I'm still moving forward, towards my future which is waving hand to me.
Thanks for everyone who gives me lots of support, include my family and friends. I LOVE ALL OF YOU. *a big warm hug*
I hope it is a new start, a significant of a better life. ^@^
I will still blog all the way, because it is a part of my life. Stay tuned for my coming up posts! Weheee.. *fingers show peace*

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