Thursday, April 9, 2009


Posted by Cassey at 12:22 AM
I didn't blog for these two days. Last night, I didn't feel like wanted to blog. Although I got many things to share. *silent* Suddenly, life has turned to be soooo DIFFERENT to me at the moment. It is hard to accept it as a FACT. It is unsolved puzzles, and we can't predict what will be going on at the next moment! ~Sighhh, why? T.T~
For these, I really want to share. Not all related to me, and maybe some even you feel that I'm soooo lame. Perhaps I'm lame for certain things, but not totally lame, so what? @_@ It just happened to me within these few days. Not few days, just two days ago until NOW.
1.) The unsolved problem, between two person. ~He knows it, probably.~ *struggling*
2.) I wanted to work for that so long already, but when the chances came, I couldn't make it due the the coincidence. *dissapointed*
~Perhaps 1 and 2 are not that big matter, right?~
3.) I probably heard that one of my best friends might be leaving Malaysia for further studies. I was surprise because I never heard she mentioned about that. How will my life be if she is not here? I gonna miss her much! She is just too special for me.
4.) Mum maybe going to do operation on this thursday or friday. I'm really worried. ~.~
5.) The three complicated love stories from three different person of my friends. I'm so concern about it. I'm just too worried. *unbelievable*
6.) Went to friend's house only for about half an hour just now, and saw dead people. At the first heard the non-stop loud scary screaming outside the house, continued with news of a person committed suicidal who jumped from the building. ~I saw the police, his leg in the crowd, and the unwanted smell.~ *pray for him*
7.) It's 11.47pm. I received a SMS about my dearest XIAO BAO has dead. T.T
Why? Yeah, sometimes all the things will come in a sudden. It would happen out of our expectation. This is LIFE. And it is a part of life. I should learn to be TOUGH.
What I need is TIME. *tears rolling in eyes* ~I looked at my left and right, there's no even anything to support.~
**ChiNcHiN is speechless.**

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