This post is special for someone I heart. ^_^ *smile* Before I start this post, let me begin with a few delicious food I had on today. I just love too much. ~Awww, think of eating again. Zzzzz.. "=.=~
First, that is 'bah kut teh' at Klang! Yeah, I used to come to this shop to eat, and it is soooo TASTY! The name of the shop is call, errr, don't know what 'Nan xxxxx Cha Hang'. ~So careless, I forgot the name!~ I like it soooo badly, and I miss the taste all the time! *hungry* ^@^
Next, it's the Madam Kwan's Nasi Lemak. I have heard about it for quite a long time, but I didn't ever tried it. Finally, I had it at Pavilion KL today. It was NICE. ^o^ *peace* ~Thanks darling. ^_^~
Oh well, I should start the purpose of this post today. ^@^ Someone brought me to eat this, thank you very much! And that's she is. *point at her*
My darling, MICHELLE LAI CHAI YI. *smile* ~Well, I'm just like doing promotion. Haha.. ^o^~ This post is special for you.
We have appointed with each other for this meeting since last week. Haizz, I'm sooo sorry for couldn't make it at the last moment due to something happened in my family suddenly. ~.~ SORRY once again. ~Although you kept telling me that its ok.~ Finally, we made it by today. Yeah, we were going to meet at Pavilion Starbucks on 12pm. *excited*
I arrived earlier than half an hour due to my transportation. As we wished, I brought what we have asked each other to bring. I was walking alone on the street, thought of you and sincerly, I was freaking NERVOUS but JOYFUL. ~Haha.. "=.= Really. Just sooo excited! Can't wait to see you that time!~ I was wondering could you recognize who am I? What would be going on when we met? And so on.
I sat there and sent SMS to you, and yeah, you called me when you arrived. I went to the washroom and tidied up myself. *laughing* ~Hoho, I want to let you to see me in the best condition ma. ^_^~ At the escalator, until I see Starbucks, you know my feeling was sooo.. Arrr, hard to describe in words. I looked inside the shop, but didn't see any shadows of you. After I turned to another position, I saw a familiar person was smiling at me and walking towards me. I was like: "Oh! That's YOU! Finally we MEET!"
Today was a WONDERFUL and MEMORABLE day for me, how about you? *hoping* We took a lot of photos, chit chat a lot, bought the same shirt, took our photo stickers, ate together, had fun TOGETHER! I didn't expect that even though it was the third time we met each other since we knew, but we could be so close. ^@^
I really appreciate the relationship between us.
You know, before today, I didn't really expect the relationship between us tend to be so much. Now, I know, there's a person really reached me, be in my heart. That's YOU. ^_^ *hug*
I have a lot of things to tell you. I LOVE YOU. ~You know, right? Haha.. ^o^~
Special for: Darling Michelle Lai Chai Yi
Our friendship was built using a pen. It was about ten years ago, when I was ten years old, and you were nine years old. It was a MIRACLE between you and me as there's a lot of childish incidents had happened to us while we began to make friends. ~Thanks god, luckily that time you didn't ignore me after I complaint about you. ^_^~ I guess both of us began with hatred, because as you know you're the only one that I dislike the most. Wakakaka. Right? And I'm the one who made you get mad, haha.. ^o^ We started our friendship, from writing one page, two pages, three pages until today, which could be up to twenty pages per letter. Well, it wasn't enough because we just have unfinished things to talk about.
Seriously, I didn't really remember when was the first time I met you already. You came to my place, I was so happy! But I was wondering was it appropriate to meet up? However, I'm glad to see you. The second time, you came without my attention. It was totally a big surprise! I didn't know that you would come for second time. ^@^ ~Yeah, want to see back our photos? Keke..~ This was the third time we have seen each other, aren't we?
From day to day, time to time, we got to know each other better. Even it was just the third time we met, but we could be like old friends for years. Looking back our letters, I have found that the changes between us from age to age. Throughout the process of growing, THANK YOU for being at my side all the time. Thanks for giving me advice and being a good listener, even though in words. *give a bow*
WORDS, can be so meaningful. Just special for both of us. ^o^
After today, I just realized that our relationship tend to be so much. Thanks for your letter, your planning tools to colour up my life, yours and my name chain, your lovely gift, and you YOURSELF. @_@ Thanks for EVERYTHING you have done to me. Sincerly, I APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH. But for myself, I found that I didn't really do much for you. Sorry if I have dissapointed you. ~I apologize for being sooo heartless. T.T~
After today, we got to know each other much better. Don't you feel that we got a lot of similarities? That's so funny and coincidence! Perhaps we can guess what each other are thinking. And yeah, you are just like a part of me. YOU HAVE BECOME A PART OF MY LIFE. ^@^
I really hope our relationship will be maintained today, tomorrow and always. I mean, FOREVER. Can we? I want to be with you all the time.
Hope to see you again next time. Mwahhh! ^@^ *hug and kiss* ~These are all I want to tell you, truly from my heart. Won't mind that I post it up here?~
At the end, let me show my favourite photos of the day.