Thursday, September 17, 2009

Assignment Mood

Posted by Cassey at 3:11 AM
Hello, I'm here again. Good morning! LOL. =.= It supposed to be good night. I haven't gone to bed yet, but I'm going to wake up at 5.45am later, as usual. Ahhh.. *yawning* I'm doing my assignment, to the half way. Sighh.. AGAIN, I'm burning the midnight oil. Maybe you will think that I'm quite 'crazy' and 'tough' enough to stand until like what I'm doing at the moment. How am I willing to stay up until so late, don't need to sleep? And even doing this continously for a few days?! *wondering*

As you know that, there's sometime ago, I DON'T LOVE TO SLEEP. Phewww, what a silly-minded person. Sleeping is a sort of enjoyment, but I disagreed. I felf that sleeping was wasting my time, because I guess I would spend those time to do more meaningful things. But now, I've changed my point of view. Maybe I'm turning to become a homestaying girl. My life is all about studying in college, doing assignments, studying for exam, going online, eating and repeating these activities everyday recently instead of hanging out frequently like what I used to do?! @o@ *thinking* SLEEP IS IMPORTANT. I had a longgggg nap this afternoon, that's why I have turned out to be so energetic now. =.=

I'm working on econs assignment.. Demand and supply.. Elasticity.. Equity and efficiency.. Bla bla bla.. *busy typing* I don't know when only I will able to complete all of these. Seriously, I don't really understand the concept. How I'm going to apply it? Blur me.. ~.~

Seriously if I don't work it out today, I'm going to face a BIG PROBLEM tomorrow night.. Just wait to see. "=.=

BTW, this might be the last individual assignment for this torturing period, I mean for these three weeks of mid-terms, test and individual assignments that came in the same time. Weheee! ^o^ Aikss, what for so excited?! After this, still got another group assignment to be submitted on next friday. OMG, really unfinished assignments.. Errrr.. *yelling*

Alright, I'm in assignment mood.. Shall continue with my work after finish crapping here! LMAO! *sign off* >.<"

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