I had a bad night yesterday. I didn't know why I couldn't sleep well. I stayed until late midnight, and turned to become emo, as usual. I didn't really study for today's trial. The terrible situation occurred again. =.= I HATE THE FEELING. It was torturing! @o@ I wanted to sleep early, but still failed. Arghh! I didn't mean to do so, but still.. Alright! I need to train myself to sleep earlier from now onwards..
Sighh.. Coming up will be more tiring and hectic. Can September ends quickly? WTH.. Having two more mid-terms in this week. Need to study again and again, then I turn to become stress naturally. I'm really afraid of exam, PHOBIA OF EXAM! T.T How can I change this bad thinking? It comes without my attention. Next week going to sit for Test 3 of Business Law, the four step process test.. *worrying* OMG, I still not really sure what is it all about! ~.~ Two DEADlines of individual assignments on next week, but I haven't started anything yet. Well, I tried to search for information from websites, I still couldn't get what I want. I mean, I'm actually still confused with where and how to start of.. Haizzz! "=.=
BTW, next Tuesday going to be another hearty day for me, I guess. My hometown bestie, Yee Li is leaving for her further studies. Awww.. I guess last Saturday was the last night for us to hang out before she leaves like what I used to do with her when I got back hometown these years. When are we going to meet again after you gone? Hmm, time flies.. The day is still coming. She is leaving soon. I'm going to lack of a good companion, good girlfriend in hometown for chatting, playing, hanging out and many more activities. Just because you are a friend who is playing an important role in my life, I really mean it. >.<" *tears rolling in eyes*
Still, wish you all the best. I'm not going back to hometown within this week, until for the day to come.. And see you in KLIA. ~.~ *silent*