Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Late Of The Night

Posted by Cassey at 11:37 PM
Before the day ends, before the month ends, before I sleep, let me have a short update about myself first! ~.~

Ahhaaa.. I haven't posted about my birthday, but I have finished editing the photos. Stay tuned for my post! In fact, nothing too special with my birthday. Haha.. No any special celebrations, it was simple yet I enjoyed it. BTW, thanks for the day. ^@^ *laughing*

Oh well, I supposed to sleep early. I should change this bad habit as what I have promised myself, what I have promised to him. But.. I can't fall asleep. I'M FAILED TODAY. T.T *tears rolling in eyes* Late of the night, I'm still sitting in front of my laptop. Listening to the song repeatingly. Thinking of him all the time. Just don't know why, feel like waiting him to online.. *waiting* Feel like many things to share with him..


I received an air post today, something that melts my heart.. >.<"

Last but not least,

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