Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm Nineteen Now

Posted by Cassey at 2:29 PM
It's 26th September today, it's a SPECIAL and BIG day of mine in my life, on every year. ^_^ *grins* Because it is my BIRTHDAY.

FYI, this year is a special year for all the 1990 babies, if not mistaken. ~.~ My western calendar's birthday which is 26th of September is EXACTLY same with my lunar calendar's birthday which is 8th of August. It happens once in nineteen years. Do you notice this? Check it out!

HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY to myself. *wink* ^_<

Special THANKS to my dearest family, cousins and all my lovely friends for the wishes and blessings to me. Thanks for the celebrations and gifts from all. You guys are so lovely and sweet.. THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH! That's more than enough, I really appreciate it. ^@^

Will update more about it after today. Weheee! @o@

I feel so happy. I feel so blissful. *shouting and jumping*

*make a wish*

I'm turning OFFICIALLY NINETEEN today. OMG, it's the last year of being a TEENager. Haha.. ^O^ *giggling*

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