Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Good Morning

Posted by Cassey at 9:17 AM
GOOD MORNING readers, it's 9.17am when I start this post. LOL! Awww.. How random! ^O^ *laughing*

I'm in college lab 2 now. Supposed to work on Microsoft Access lab work, but I don't. Hehe.. I'm LAZY. =.= I want to go back to sleep. I don't want to attend classes so fast. Haizz.. I want holidays to come! I WANT TO REST! I WANT TO PLAY! *yelling* >.<"

I don't want to do assignments. And presentations come after the holidays. Ahhh! ~.~

Alright, just ignore my craps.. Christine is at my right side, but she is chatting with me in MSN. LMAO.. And I just realized that she is reading my blog! And now, you read this! OMG! Haha! ^@^ So few people in class today, as usual. @o@

Hmmm.. What to eat for breakfast and lunch later? *wondering* I'm hungry la.

BTW, I miss him, so badly. What are you doing now? Take care alright? Really hope to see you soon. But don't know when the time will come.. T.T *thinking of you*

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